I have always placed a lot of importance on the naming of things. In the course of my life, I have whiled away many an hour (perhapse too many) in consideration of what I should call my cat, my dog, my business, my future children, my imagined summer cottage on Cape Cod. So, when it came time to name this blog for and about my salon Envy I mulled the decision slowly. After all, a name should sound nice to the ear, it should evoke emotion, and it should
mean something. Suddenly, it came to me in a flash: 'The Golden Apple'!
In a story from Greek mythology Zeus is preparing a wedding banquet for Peleus and Thetis and does not invite Eris. In revenge, she creates an apple of pure gold, inscribes it "To The Fairest," and rolls it into the hall during the banquet. Athena, Hera and Aphrodite each claims it, and Zeus orders that someone be found to settle the issue. Paris is chosen due to the virtue of being the handsomest man in the world. The result is a mythological beauty contest. Hera promises him greatness, Athena warlike prowess and Aphrodite the love of the most beautiful woman in the world. In the end Aphrodite gets the apple, Paris gets Helen, and the world gets the Trojan War and a line of condoms.
We at Envy beleive that all women deserve to possess the Golden Apple, and so we dedicate this blog to them. The Golden Apple is, after all, for the fairest. Please join, future installments will keep you abreast of developements at the salon including promotions and special events as well as commentary on the world of fashion and hair.
P.S. Check out our new website at
Fondly, Patrick Bertels Co-owner
Envy: a boutique salon